Become a 2024-2025 Business Sponsor

The Lamar Middle School dance program is part of the Lamar Middle School Fine Arts Academy. It is one of the largest fine arts programs at Lamar, with over 400 students. Students from all over the district are part of the program, so sponsorship dollars have a broad reach throughout Lamar Middle School and the Austin dance community. Your sponsorship dollars provide meaningful support and resources to the dance program.

Sponsorship Levels

Silver: $250

  • 1/2 page Ad in the Lamar dance spring production program

  • Your company name and link on the Lamar Middle School dance website,

Gold: $500

  • 1/2 page Ad in Lamar Dance spring production program

  • Your company name displayed on huge media screens at Lamar Middle School dance productions

  • Your company logo and link on the Lamar Middle School dance website,

Platinum: $1,000

  • Full page Ad in the Lamar dance spring production program

  • Your company name displayed on huge media screens at Lamar Middle School dance productions

  • Your company logo and link on the Lamar Middle School dance website,

  • A “Thank you to our sponsor” email sent to over 400 Lamar Middle School Dance Program parents

  • A “Thank you to our sponsor” post on our Lamar Middle School dance social media accounts

If you would like to write a check, please make checks payable to:
LMS FAA Dance Guild and mail to the attention of Natalia Luna at 6101 Wynona Avenue, Austin, Texas 78757